According to Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Baja California Sur has significantly decreased the number of Covid-19 cases amongst the rest of country due to the continue reinforcement of limiting the social and economic activities to reduce a disproportionate virus outbreak. Earlier this week, the Governor of the state of Baja California Sur, Carlos Mendoza Davis announced the 6 level “stoplight” graphic from which the step by step lockdown “re-opening” will occur in order to return to the economic activity for all municipalities. He has, however, requested “to continue with the use of the sanitary measures, follow government regulations and still reducing large social gatherings” as we follow the course to be fully open again.
The 6 level colored-metric from which the state of Baja California Sur will manage the return to all economic and social activity is actually different from the 4 level metric used by the Federal Government. The level 6 (Red) is considered the Maximum Level from which only Essential and Health activities were permitted, levels 5-4 as “Critic/High”(orange) allows Social & Economic activities with limited social distancing with a 30%-40% from its max capacity in areas such as restaurants, parks, Beachfront Villas etc.; levels 3-2 considered as High/Medium (yellow) allows the social distancing with a max capacity of 50%-70% and finally level 1 (green) in which a social distancing is still considered as of 1 person per 2 square meters.
The Government on a weekly basis will be sharing updates on the strategic reopening & make adjustments to the plan as needed.

Governor Mendoza Davis has announced yesterday, that the state of BCS has moved from level 6 to level 5 of the colored metric which allows beaches to be opened (at last!), hotels and restaurant to be reopen at 30% capacity with a reinforced social distancing of 1 person per 4 square meters (aprox 21.53 SQF). The Governor also mentioned that, in regards of beaches and to be able to follow the offical guidelines, Los Cabos municipality will share a list of beaches that would be open and under the requested sanitary protocols of social distancing.
This announcement have been crucial to officially and accurately say, Los Cabos is now (partially for now) OPEN and we are more than ready to get our Vitamin Sea!