On the extensive coasts surrounding the Baja California Sur Peninsula, you can find up to 7 sea turtles that lay their eggs yearly, making this event a real challenge and a great natural spectacle for all marine fauna protectionists. Although the population has widespread awareness, authorities must communicate continuously with residents and the thousands of tourists visiting destinations such as Los Cabos.
Leatherback, Prieta, Loggerhead, Green, Lora, Carey, and Olive Ridley are the species that reach our coasts.
The tours are carried out very early in the morning, between 5 and 9 am, reinforcing at night, since from mid-July to November is high season, and most nests are found. It should be noted that although there is a marked nesting season, different species can be seen coming to the beaches to lay their eggs throughout the year.
The Natural Resources and Wildlife area personnel patrol the coasts with volunteers who help with awareness, collecting eggs and their subsequent nesting to be released. One of the pens that is protected by the aforementioned entity is located in the town of San José del Cabo BCS, in front of the Estero San José Ecological Reserve; there, you can see all the nests that are carefully protected, records of the number of eggs each turtle laid, as well as the date of collection and release.
The main objective of the Sea Turtle Protection Network, in addition to raising awareness among the general public, is to be able to carry out direct actions that have the purpose of genuine conservation not only of the turtles but also of the different migratory birds as well as the native flora and fauna of the place both marine and terrestrial.
Thanks to the love for the preservation of this species of marine life, Associations such as the one mentioned and ASUPMATOMA, as well as others that work every day in this region, we can say that we are proud to support the awareness of these marine animals that are so important to us. Maintain the biodiversity of our planet. Every action generates a reaction, which is one of our missions so that we have more and more respect for our environment.
Sea turtles fulfill essential ecological functions; They transport nutrients, remove sand from beaches, and feed on sponges and jellyfish, which helps maintain control of populations. They represent a vital link in marine ecosystems. That is why its preservation is essential for the seas’ adequate balance.
They also play a fundamental role in maintaining the health of the oceans, especially if we talk about seagrasses and coral reefs, which benefit numerous species of commercial value, such as tuna, shrimp, lobster, or squid.
From the LIFESTYLE family, we offer deep gratitude to everyone working daily on this laudable task and their invaluable teachings and commitment to preserving sea turtles.